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Innovation - IDIA Innovation - IDIA

Product and Service

We develop products and services that matter to humans.
We create great ideas. We drive innovation within companies.

Our Products

Product Innovation Boot camp

Do you want to innovate in your products or services but fear that they will be a miss in the market? Do you fear that testing in the market will cost you substantial time and money? Do you fear that you don’t have the correct framework to produce innovative products?

Are you interested in learning a rapid process for developing the most innovative products on the market? Well, we have expertly designed this 4 – day innovation boot camp for companies who want to rapidly design and test products that they want to release to the market.

A diverse team of innovators from a company, responsible for product development will go through a four day intense product development cycle where they will reach a design prototype that can be market tested at a low cost.

With our proven framework the team will leave the boot camp with not only a product to market test but a wealth of knowledge on innovation and innovation processes.

Innovation Management

Innovation is not a one off occurrence, it the result of a determination to lead the market through great products, services, and business models. Innovation requires a strategy, a shift in culture, and a change in methodology of operation. The innovation strategy of each company is what drives its operations and will drive it to leadership.

We help you set a companywide innovation strategy and implement that across all divisions.

Extreme Idea Generation Boot Camp

Do you need to rapidly generate create ideas for any concept that you want to develop. Well, we have the perfect solution. Just tell us what your needs are, and through our idea generation framework, an intense 3 hour session will have you picking from hundreds of great ideas.

Not only that, we will help you narrow down these great ideas as well and pick the best one. The best thing is that we participate with you and help you generate these great ideas as well.